
Wars that are still happening:

Ukraine/Russian war, Afghanistan, Colombia, Iraq, Nigeria, Mozambique, Mali etc.

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What is war:

War is a problem between different countries of nations. War is also a battle or fight that happens between them. It can last any period of time. The shortest war lasted 40 minutes and the longest was 781 years!

Things that happens because of war:

-Soldiers/child soldiers

-Injured people


-Destroyed homes

-Displaced people

-Contaminated environment

Soldiers/child soldiers:

A soldier is a person who works or fights in the army. The army is a powerful force protecting and defending their nation or country by land, sea or air. Different soldiers have different experiences depending on who they are, where they join and how quickly they got used to their new life.

For soldiers, fighting in a war is an unusual situtaion, compared to their normal lives. Even when soldiers are 'at rest', not at war, they find themselves busy with work. However, spending time not fighting in war, lets some soldiers get cleaned. They would take a bath and get their clothes cleaned. Even more important to soldiers is the food they eat. In some cases, the soldiers extremley disliked their food, so to improve their confidence, their commander would make sure that their food would improve. Lots of soldiers sent letters to and from home. The British Army Service sent 2 billion letters and 114 million parcels over four years! Many soldiers also have/had a passion for football, gambling and card games. An ordinary day would be spent in small, dank dugouts, where the soldier would make tea, have lunch, or chat.

Machine guns were an extremley good defence weapon used by soldiers in the late 19th century. It would allow soldiers to fire back at enemies without being unsafe and to protect themselves. Although, as new weapons were introduced, war became more unpredictable.

Children became soldiers for several reasons. Some were kidnapped or threatened, and others were really poor and wanted to get more money for their family, so they worked at such a young age. Still, others also wanted to protect their community. There a child soldiers because they are more obediant and more manageable than adults.

Injured people:

War zones are places that war takes place. Many people in war zones get killed in their homes, markets and the roads. They get killed by bombs, bullets, fires... These innocent people will then suffer and then their families will become devestated and sad. Because of war, many people don't get food, their homes get ruined, they lose their job, etc. War is terrible and affects many people and things.


A refugee is someone forced to leave their country in order to escape war or another reason. Refugees can leave their country by water or land. However, both ways are incredibly bad. The food supply is low, it's overcrowded with other refugees, it's unstable, they have no money, they can't pack just a suitcase, families are seperated, most people don't survive...It's hard for them to leave their country to go and suffer in another. The fortunate surviving refugees, get sent to refugee camps. These camps are run by UNHCR who are extremley kind. But with an overwhelming amount of refugees arriving, it's hard for every refugee to have what they should have. Because of this, families live in cramped tents, drink unsantitory water, plain food, and their is little or no education for the children. Many children lose their parents and are forced to survive on their own in an unknown country. 2/3 of all refugees in the world come from 5 places; Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Somalia, and Myanmar.

Destroyed homes:

Many attractive places which were viewed by many tourists and were home to a high population of civilians were destroyed by war. Because of war, homes and building get demolished causing people to become sad, depressed and really anxious. Since, not only did the structure of the home get destroyed, but also the past memories, a sense of security and dream for the future are also lost. The people who have their homes destroyed then become displaced.

Displaced people

Because of war, peoples homes get detroyed and ruined, so the person living there is displaced. This means that they have to find a new place to live in. Most often, they have to find a new home within their country. Many people often are found living in bombed-out buildings with no water, electricity, sewage or garbage disposal. Living in such horrible, and disgusting conditions is extremely bad and not ideal. But this is what happens to many people living in a war zone.

Contaminated environment:

Using explosive weapons in towns or cities, can make lots of waste and wreckage. This can cause air and soil pollution. Air pollution can change the quality of the soil and water, by infecting the rain. If there is a high enough amount of soil pollution, it can become a risk to human health and the ecosystem. War can also destroy canals, wells, pumps, and crops. This can threaten lives and the amount of food that people eat. These together have the ability to affect the weather or global climate.


YOU can help prevent this from happening. There are several things that you can do; donate money to UNHCR (https://give.unhcr.ca/page/52275/donate/1?locale=en-US) to help refugees get the resources they need, tell other people about war and what you learned to increase their awareness, or/and donate money for organizations that help wars.










